08.03.2020am Rev S Robinson 8th March 2020 James SteeleFather, Glorify Your Son. John ch. 17 vv. 1, 5.
01.03.2020pm Rev S Robinson 1st March 2020 James SteeleThe Storm That Strengthened Weak Faith. Luke ch. 8 vv. 22-25
01.03.2020am Rev S Robinson 1st March 2020 James SteeleChrist’s High Priestly Prayer: Introduction. John ch. 16 vv. 1-26.
23.02.2020pm Rev S Robinson 23rd February 2020 James SteelePaul’s Closing Doxology. Romans ch. 16 vv. 25-27.
16.02.2020pm Rev S Robinson 16th February 2020 James SteeleThe Importance of Greetings. Romans ch. 16 vv. 21-24.